Election FAQs

What is the Provincial Government in charge of?

The provincial government handles many services and responsibilities, including:

  • Education

  • Hospitals and Health Care

  • Natural Resources

  • Property and Civil Rights

  • Provincial/Territorial Law and Courts

  • Provincial/Territorial Parks

  • Provincial/Territorial Road Maintenance

  • Provincial Taxes

  • Social Services: Support for families, children, and the elderly

  • Official Languages

Who is allowed to vote?

To vote in the New Brunswick provincial election, you must:

  • Be a Canadian citizen

  • Be 18 years old or older on Election Day

  • Have lived in New Brunswick for at least 40 days

  • Reside in the electoral district on Election Day

How do I know what riding I’m in?

There are 4 ridings in Saint John: West-Lancaster, Harbour,Portland-Simonds & East

You can find which one you belong

  • Checking your voter information card (to be mailed in the fall)

How do I make sure my information is correct to vote?

Keep your voter registration up to date:

  • Contact Elections New Brunswick at 1-888-858-8683

  • Have at least one document with your name, current address & signature

    • a driver’s licence can work for all three!

    • You can also use a lease agreement, a current utility bill, or other documents with the above information

    • or a friend on the voters list who will take an oath to vouch for you.

How do I know who is running for MLA in my riding?

Get to know who is running for MLA in your area:

  • Visit the Elections New Brunswick website

  • Check local news sources

  • Follow social media updates from candidates and political parties

The most important thing is to Vote! Reach out if you have any questions!